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What's the deal with Q3?

Writer's picture: Amy IsraeliAmy Israeli

This is the question on everyone's mind right now... and honestly we're just recruiters, but we'll take a look.

The unemployment rate has now crawled up to 4.1% which doesn't sound so good. I'd go into the data about "new job postings", but I don't believe that data is extracted accurately so I won't. What I will say, is that employment agencies in general seem to be doing pretty alright right now.

Personally, at UA we're getting quite a few incoming job orders, considering it's July right now and normally quite slow. We expect this to continue increasing with the end of summer and through Q4.

Here's how we got to this conclusion...

Increase in HR and Recruiter job posts. This always means organizations need to staff up and plan for the upcoming quarter because they're expecting an influx.

Even more important, an increase in sales jobs. This means companies are ready to get growing.

Stocks... certain stock trends indicate there will be more need for tech roles coming up.

Don't get your salary expectations up though, we aren't seeing salary budgets as high as they used to be, so you may wind up taking lower pay than you're used to in this market. Additionally, most jobs are on-site now, so don't get your hopes up for a remote or digital nomad role.

Here's what you should do now to start preparing yourself to get hired:

  1. Fix up your resume (get our free resume template here). Remember to focus on your metrics, tech stack, and accomplishments.

  2. Get those certifications you've been putting off. Whatever certifications are most demanded in your field are the ones you want to work on. If you have down time, get it done now so you can spend your time applying and interviewing after summer is over.

  3. Pick up some volunteer work if you don't have a job right now. This will fill in your time and your resume. Catchafire is a great place to pick up volunteer work in your field.

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